Individual Therapy
I offer individual therapy for a variety of concerns, beginning with development of an individualized treatment plan, where we identify your goals and discuss treatment options. Individual therapy can be utilized to focus on specific concerns or general wellness support.
Group Therapy
I offer a variety of groups based on current need/interest. Group therapy can be a great way to learn new coping skills, connect with folks with shared experiences, and find growth and healing through community support. Currently accepting clients for a Trauma Informed Yoga group.
Professional Consultation
My colleagues, Drs. Kate Degenhardt and Han Tran, and I co-facilitate a weekly consultation group open to fellow therapists in the community. I also offer one on one consultation as relevant. Please reach out for schedule and fees.
Community Education
I offer educational workshops and retreats for groups and organizations on topics related to my areas of specialization. Educational offerings are flexible and can be tailored to each organzations’ needs.