Complex Trauma & PTSD
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou
What is Trauma?
“Trauma is not what happens to us but what happens inside of us as a result of what happens to us.” — Gabor Mate
Traumatic experiences threaten our sense of safety and overwhelm our ability to cope, resulting in lasting adverse effects on physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. Many circumstances can be experienced as traumatic, and PTSD is only one of many possible outcomes following trauma. I work from a trauma-informed lens, meaning I recognize that trauma is incredibly common, and I seek to create relationships that prioritize safety, trust, and autonomy in an effort to heal rather than recreate or contribute to past traumas. While I work with most trauma-related difficulties, I specialize in complex and interpersonal traumas, such as childhood abuse and neglect, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and identity-based traumas.
Trauma Healing
Healing is a process that looks different for each person. I trust that you know what you need, or even if it feels like you don’t know what you need yet, the truth is within you, and we can work together to understand it.
Trauma-focused therapy typically involves learning about how your nervous system is affected by trauma, practicing skills for navigating your body’s stress response, revisiting traumatic memories to process emotions, making sense of what happened, examining how trauma has impacted your belief system, learning to meet your experience with compassion, and reconnecting with purpose and hope.
I’m trained in the following trauma-focused treatments:
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Prolonged Exposure (PE)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for PTSD (ACT)
Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)
Skills Training in Affective & Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR)
Learn More
I offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation call to address any questions you may have and begin to determine whether we might be a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you!